Thursday, October 23, 2014

Dr. Mark Christian

Dr. Mark Christian was born and raised in an upscale Cairo suburb known as “Heliopolis.” His father was a Lieutenant General in the Egyptian military and the personal family physician of then-President of Egypt, Anwar Sadat. From a very young age Mark was the constant companion of his father, growing up to become his closest confidante as well.
Following in his footsteps, Mark too became a physician – an Obstetrician and Gynecologist – but his emulation of his father didn’t end there. Dr. Christian’s father was a very well-known religious leader and Imam, and Mark longed to travel that path. Mark was teaching in the Masjid by the age of thirteen.
Dr. Christian was a very devout Muslim. He learned Islamic theology and tradition at an unusually young age, devoting himself to memorizing and learning the Quran, ultimately serving at mosques in the role of an Imam.
However, after years of extensive theological and historical study, Dr. Christian began to question some of the fundamental tenets of Islam. He began to search for the underlying truth of the Islamic religion, the foundation upon which his life, and the lives of millions of others had been built, and all too often, also lost.
This search, this inner struggle to find solid ground beneath his spiritual feet was vehemently opposed by… well, everyone around him.
His original quest was to solidify the foundation of his faith, to discover the immutable truths that would inexorably lead him to forever follow Allah and his Prophet. Instead, where spiritual bedrock should’ve been, Dr. Christian found only sand.
He searched through history to find others like himself – those who had questioned their Islamic faith, and discovered the answers that laid their questions to rest.
He found no one. Anyone who had sought confirmation, anyone who questioned the “why” of Islam found the razors edge of a sword as their answer.
Mark had discovered the truth behind the Islamic myth, and walked away from Islam.
Later, after nearly 10 years of “spiritual wandering,” he would come to discover Jesus Christ and commit his life to Him. Still in Egypt, he struggled to worship secretly for a long time, always fearing the knock on the door, wondering when he would be found out and beheaded as an apostate.
Mark had diverted destiny and ditched Islam for good, undergoing a conversion which would ignite a murderous hatred from his own father and family. He lives under that threat even today.
Mark came to America in 2005, and soon discovered the shocking extent of Islamic infiltration in his adopted country. To Mark, a man steeped in both religious and political Islam, a man who grew up amidst the planning and scheming of the Muslim Brotherhood, the recognition of their agenda at work in the United States was almost immediate. Mark had grown up watching his father and uncle as they, with their Brotherhood associates, had planned it all some three decades earlier.
Recognizing the urgency of this grim threat and informed by his unique upbringing, he responded with the formation of the Global Faith Institute as a way to protect his cherished American freedoms from the sickness he thought he had left behind in Egypt.
Dr. Christian’s great-uncle is one of the founders of the original Muslim Brotherhood, and Mark’s father, (who became a member in his teens) remains a highly-respected advisor for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to this day.
In 1965 the Egyptian government imprisoned a great many members of the Muslim Brotherhood, one of whom was Mark’s uncle, who shared his cell with Sayyid Qutb, the infamous ideological “godfather” of the Muslim Brotherhood movement.
Over the years, Mark’s father and uncle moved up in the organization, and through this high-level access Mark was afforded unparalleled exposure to the ideology and objectives of radical Islam, the agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood, and the stringent creed of Sharia law.
Though Dr. Christian was never a member himself, his daily interactions with the Muslim Brotherhood through his father and uncle gave him a direct view of their machinations and motivations.
Most instructively, his exposure was centered around their “re-grouping” period, beginning in the 1970’s. It was during this time that the Brotherhood made and launched their plans for their infiltration of the West.
Before Dr. Christian’s conversion to Christianity, he served as a military physician for several years at El-Maadi Military Medical Center in Cairo, a prestigious hospital providing exceptional medical care to VIP’s and other high-ranking military and government officials.
El-Maadi is to Egypt what Bethesda Naval Hospital, or Walter Reed Medical Center is to America. Former patients include former Egyptian leaders Anwar Sadat and Hosni Mubarak.
It was during his tenure at El-Maadi that Dr. Christian met and came to know Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, the current President of Egypt.


Bill Maher, comedian and talk-show provocateur, is no friend of Christianity or Judaism. In fact, Maher considers all religion to be “a bureaucracy between man and God that I don’t need.”
Maher is essentially an atheist, although not a particularly militant one. He describes himself as an “apatheist,” which means an atheist who just really doesn’t care about the whole thing.
So, given these facts, Maher’s recent statements on Islam are not nearly as surprising as the charges of hypocrisy Maher has leveled against his fellow leftists for their apologetics on behalf of throat-slitters.
It truly speaks to the state of Western society when an atheist, anti-religion talk-show host is the most forceful proponent of the truth about Islam among the major elite media.
Maher’s simple declaration that Islam “is the only religion that kills you if you disagree with them,” has caused liberal heads to swell and explode like the final scenes of the movie “Mars Attacks!”
[Note: Video contains inappropriate language.]
Amidst shrieking denunciations of his comments, Maher has remained consistent in saying that, “You know, it’s like if dad is a violent drunk and beats his kids. You don’t blame the kid because he set dad off. You blame dad because he’s a violent drunk.”
Of course, this sort of necessary and overdue criticism of Islamic culture has no place in the present media narrative that insists we have more to fear from tea party folks than from ISIS.
Indeed, actor Ben Affleck (a recent guest on Maher’s show) almost immediately went to the equivalence argument – which erroneously claims that all religions have violence and extremists in them – when Maher broached the subject of Islam’s problem with playing well with others.
Operating some sort of perverse casualty-vs-casualty calculator, Affleck summed up his entire argument by stating irrelevantly, “We’ve killed more Muslims than they’ve killed us by an awful lot.” Aside from a crime of grammar, Affleck’s statement reveals the flaw in leftist thinking vis-à-vis the United States and well … everyone else.
According to the Afflecks of the world, the U.S. is just getting what we deserve, and apparently, until ISIS catches up to us in terms of numeric lethality, we should just quit bitching and take our decapitations with a smile.
Affleck went on to trot out the tired canard of Islamists being only a sliver of Islam itself, not at all representative of mainstream Islamic thinking. Maher set his trap.
MAHER: But you’re saying the idea that someone should be killed if they leave the Islamic religion is just a few bad apples?
AFFLECK: The people who would actually believe in that you murder someone if they leave Islam is not the majority of Muslims at all. …
Maher sprung his trap, citing the Pew Research Center poll that shows nearly 90 percent of Egyptians, by no means a frothing hotbed of ISIS members, support death for those who leave Islam.
Affleck (by now reduced to a palsied, spittle-flecked screamer) tried to accuse Maher of racist generalizations, not unlike declaring all young black men to be gang members.
Maher was having none of it and called out Affleck for his hypocrisy, stating “If 90 percent of Brazilians thought that death was the appropriate response to leaving Catholicism, you would think it was a bigger deal.”
The boom fell on Ben Affleck. His world of neatly ordered biases fell apart before the viewer’s eyes. Fellow leftist, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, tried to bolster his fellow traveler’s failing sanity by insinuating that Maher was in fact a closet racist, but even Kristof failed to speak with any real conviction.
They were beaten, and they knew it. They had a credit card from the Bank of Racist, Sexist and Islamophobe that had no limit but wasn’t accepted at “Chez Maher.” They went home hungry and embarrassed.
For those of us who have been fighting the battle over Islamic reform for many years, it was encouraging to see a media figure from the left finally recognize the fallacy that is the moral equivalence argument.
There is a distinct difference between the violence described in the Bible and the violence prescribed in the Quran. One talks about what has happened while the other declares what must happen, if one wishes to be faithful to Allah.
While Maher’s stand is a good thing for the side of intellectual honesty in our media culture, it is important to remember that this is only a hairline crack in the massive media monolith. But like a crack in a house’s foundation, the freeze-thaw cycle can, over time, bring the whole thing down.
So I lift my cup for a toast. Here’s to a little more water seepage, and a really cold winter. Keep it up, Bill Maher.

Mark Christian was born and raised a devout Sunni Muslim, with strong ties to the Egyptian military and The Muslim Brotherhood, but later ditched Islam and followed Jesus Christ. He is the founder of theGlobal Faith Institute.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Dr. Mark Christian....His Journey and the current battle against the Muslim-Brotherhood

The Glazov Gang-Dr Mark christian Confronting the Muslim Brotherhood

An Islamic ‘Council of Nicea’

An Islamic ‘Council of Nicea’
Posted By Joe Herring and Dr. Mark Christian On October 14, 2014 @ 12:25 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | 
Christianity and Judaism have a great deal in common, not the least of which is compassion for their fellow man and the institutional capacity to take the steps required to express that compassion in daily life.
It is this reverence for the individual that led both traditions to reform themselves over the centuries, eliminating anachronistic practices while maintaining fidelity to their faith. It is an ongoing process, obviously, but it is a process to which both religions are fully committed – and have been for more than a thousand years.
Islam in this regard is an outlier. In the 1400-odd years of Islam, there has never been a “reformation.” The religion forbids it. It is no accident that the oft-touted contributions of Islam to the world mostly came before Islam demanded dominance in all things.
After the Mongol sacking of Baghdad, Islam reacted by retrenching inwardly. Science was no longer science, it was only Islamic science. Economics became Islamic economics, as rules proliferated for everything in order to demonstrate adherence to the faith and resistance to the infidel.
Truthfully, Islam was better off in practice in the 10th Century than it is today. It is clear that Islam, like cigarettes, stunts your growth.
Now, adherence to tradition is not a bad thing on its own. In fact, tradition is the repository of the world’s “institutional knowledge,” enabling successive generations to build on the work of their predecessors.
Sometimes, though, new information is discovered and it becomes necessary to revisit those traditions to re-evaluate their utility for present and future generations. The idea of self-government is one such example.
Tradition held that some people had the right to rule other people, and this tradition was accepted and enforced for millennia until the radical experiment of individual sovereignty, which found its greatest expression in our own United States.
So it is with religious tradition as well. Christianity is built upon Judaism — indeed it wouldn’t exist without it — but it isn’t opposed to Judaism for those who wish to practice it. Many centuries ago, the enmity between Jews and Christians began fading with the passing of each successive generation until today it exists only as an aberration to be ridiculed and denounced whenever it appears.
This illustrates the internal narrative of the Western psyche. Our minds operate in a manner consistent with liberty because our minds have been developed in the presence of liberty, both political and religious.
We are capable of reform, because we are always seeking the better mousetrap. We look at life as a challenge, not just to survive it, but to improve it. To leave it better than we found it.
A mind shaped by Islam generally finds such attitudes to be anathema. Islam is in continual conflict because Islam is possessed of an impossible idea – to preserve all of creation as it existed in 632 A.D., the year Mohammed died.
Given the changes that have wracked the earth since that date, is it any wonder Islam is “out of sorts”? Ask yourself, how difficult would it be to conduct your daily business if you had to reconcile your actions with the cultural norms of the early Middle-Ages?
In Christianity, the Church has held ecumenical councils, realigning Church doctrine with new information and greater understanding of both the natural world and the people who inhabit it. These councils also addressed heresies that had sprung up in the Church, definitively establishing what is canonical and what is apocryphal.
In Catholicism, the Council known as Vatican II was the most recent “re-founding” of the Church. Pope Paul VI described the need for the Council in this way –
“…the problems of the 1960s stemmed from the Church holding to the best values which had come to maturity over the previous two centuries, despite the fact that these values were born outside the Church, yet they could find their place – after being purified and corrected – in the Church’s view on the world.”
The Pope was referring to the Enlightenment philosophies of science and reason. In the previous two centuries, Man had slowly crawled out from the cave of mysticism to stand blinking in the sunlight of a world he previously had only seen through the stained-glass windows of the Church.
Reason would emerge as a complement to Scripture – and vice-versa – while the understanding of oneself and one’s role in the world evolved into an individual pursuit, rather than a purely collective one directed by religious tradition.
Faith made peace with reason and a careful balance was struck between secularism and religion, between the sovereignty of God over all, and the sovereignty of Man over himself. A difficult balance to be sure, but one that is essential to the survival of both Church and individual liberty.
There is no such mechanism for a similar introspection in Islam, and the resultant calcification of the religion has rendered it incapable of peaceful coexistence in the modern world.
Pope John XXII called this process of re-evaluation aggiornamento – the adjustment of religion according to the facts of the world in which it lives. This is not to be confused with secularizing the Gospel or the elevation of humanism above God as many opponents of Vatican II charged, but rather represented recognition that immutable truths can arrive from sources beyond the Church, and that God doesn’t restrict the delivery of His wisdom only to men in robes and sashes.
Throughout, Islam has held a fierce resistance to all things non-Islamic. Around the time of the Western Enlightenment, Muslims’ brutal practices had rendered them largely unwelcome anywhere in Europe (certainly not in any significant numbers), and their incessant raiding necessitated their subjugation by the more developed and cosmopolitan powers of the earth.
Islam now appears to have reached a point in history where it has been behind for so long adherents can’t bring themselves to admit it. Sort of like the guy who trips over his own feet, then tries to pass it off by saying, “I meant to do that.”
Islam needs a Vatican II. Actually, Islam needs a Council of Nicea (the 4th Century meeting in what is now modern-day Turkey) that codified Christian doctrine. Islam has never convened anything like a Council of Nicea. Indeed, Muslims have never really admitted to having a problem, which we all know is the first step in finding a solution.
Whether the Islamists themselves or their mewling apologists among the liberal intelligentsia care to admit it, Islam must reform, or be subjugated yet again.
Instead of apologizing for Islam, it is time for our leaders to demand of Islam that which we ourselves have already done – aggiornamento – the adjustment of our religion according to the facts of the world in which it lives.
Dr. Mark Christian MD was born and raised a devout Sunni Muslim, with strong ties to the Egyptian military and The Muslim Brotherhood, but later ditched Islam and followed Jesus Christ. He is the Co-founder of the Global Faith Institute.
Joe Herring is a writer and analyst who frequently advises policy makers at all levels of government.  He is the Press/Public Relations Director for Global Faith Institute and the host of Abraham’s Tent radio show.